Home of the bud

Home of the bud

The Cannabis Green Team is here to educate people on the ACMPR process, provide them with the information on how to grow Medical Cannabis and make their own medicines and extracts. 

Your Cannabis Garden

Your Cannabis Garden

Produce your own Cannabis for less than $1/gram in your Cannabis Garden.

The Cannabis Green Team is here to help you at any stage in the Cannabis Growing process or we can teach you the complete cycle in the comfort of your own home.

You can also produce your own Medications from your Home Grown Cannabis and we can teach you how.

100% legal and secure.

Green Team Poster

Cannabis Consulting

Cannabis Consulting

Growing quality Medical Cannabis is an art and we specialize in growing our Cannabis in Premium Soil mix and indoors. SCROG and/or Individual pots.

Just like growing grapes for wine, growing quality cannabis for medical cannabis requires; proper growing conditions, correct timing of the harvest and  curing it properly for full potency.

Managed crops can provide faster turnarounds with cycling dependent on the spaces available. Its better to have a smaller crop every month then one large crop every 6 months. 

Managing fertilizers and pesticides is 100% dependent on the environment and the ACMPR’s goals. Personally we don’t use or recommend pesticides, we create a space that is clean and keep it that way.  Fertilizers can affect soil pH levels so we use a pH buffered natural 15-30-15 fertilizer and a 1-50-33 flowering powder. Always maintain an acidic pH and flush your plants and reduce humidity for 2 weeks before harvesting.

Rotating soil moisture levels (from wet to dry) is important as the root system needs to dry out  before more water is introduced, this also allows oxygen to get to the roots.

To provide even more oxygen to the roots add a bubbler to the water storage container.  Always rest your water for 24 hours (unless using RO water) before using on the plants, test it for proper pH and adjust it to desired level well in advance of watering. 

Adding Carbon Dioxide will assist the flowers in growing denser buds. We have simple solutions for adding CO2 and reducing odour at the same time. Contact us for more information. 

Each strain has its own traits and as a gardener you must learn how to manage each to maximize its potential.  The Cannabis Green Team has growing experience with a multitude of strains contact us for assistance with your ACMPR garden. 

Daily Trimmings

Daily Trimmings

Buzz Zone

Buzz Zone

For Cannabis Green Team Services or Cannabis Consulting please fill out the contact form below:

We are an Alberta based company, but we can provide service world wide!


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